Last Saturday seniors Caleb Aber and AnnMarie Gibson qualified for the IHSAA State Cross Country Meet. Aber ran a time of 16:35 for the 3.1 mile course which allowed him to place 26th overall out of 243 runners! Gibson finished 28th overall out of 241 runners with a time of 19:27. Gibson became the first female cross country runner in Wapahani history to qualify for the state meet. Both of them will run on Saturday, November 2, at the LaVern Gibson Championship Cross Country Course in Terre Haute. Gibson will be running at 12:00 P.M. with Aber’s race following at 2:30 P.M. LPS is extremely proud of both of you and will be rooting you on this Saturday! Best of luck!

Aber and Gibson are State Bound!
October 30, 2024